Wednesday 3 December 2014

How to Care for Your Pet Frog?

Frogs have gained popularity as pets especially for children in recent years. They are actually a pretty good option for many types of people. Frogs come in an unbelievable variety of species, colors and sizes. This means that there are so many to choose from depending on your own preferences and limitations. Each species has its own set of traits and requirements that must be taken good care of.


Frogs are amphibians so their skin naturally has a slime coating over it to prevent over absorption of water as the love to live in both water and on land. However, experts advise not to have any kind of absorbed substance on your skin when you come into contact with your pet frog. This is because there are several chemicals we encounter in our daily products that pose no threat to us but can be deadly to the small amphibian. Improperly cleaned living spaces are the number one source of illness for frogs so cleanse their terrariums thoroughly. Also wash your hands before you touch your frog and wash them properly after cleaning out their living space.

Feeding habits

Frogs are basically carnivores and feed on live prey so you can purchase them from quality US pet stores or online comparison shopping at places like that sell quality amphibian supplies. A frog’s regular diet comprises of worms and insects like crickets, moths and caterpillars. Some prefer to dine on other frogs, fish or mice. These can be provided to them frozen from pet food suppliers. This source has no danger of parasite infestation due to the below zero temperature. Fresh water must be provided daily and checked for cleanliness.

Living space

Terrariums can be easily set up in a nice shady corner of the house away from direct sunlight. They also need a very clean atmosphere with no pollutants in the air from household aerosols. Plenty of nice gravel and other substrates and decorations can help recreate their natural habitat which they will thoroughly enjoy. Things like misters and miniature waterfalls are great addition to a frog’s home. You can put plants both fake and real and rocks etc to give your pet frog something to rest on and hide behind. Frogs also require artificial lighting and may require UVB light as well.  

Environmental conditions

Frogs must be kept in the optimum conditions that reflect on their preferences according to their particular species. The right level of moisture must e replicated with humidifying equipment. Special thermometers can be attached to terrariums to monitor the temperature to ensure it is set perfectly. Any heating equipment must be carefully chosen according to the natural habitat.  


Frogs do sit still for long periods but when they wish to hop around their home must provide adequate space. Purchase a terrarium based on how big a mature frog of that particular species will grow. This will provide it ample space to move about and save you money in the future.

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