Friday 12 December 2014

What Types of Pet Frogs are Suitable for Beginners?

People’s perspective towards exotic pets has changed greatly in recent years and frogs are becoming more popular pets day by day. However, frogs are not for everyone because they have special needs that must be diligently taken care of to keep it healthy and fit. You must be prepared to be responsible for its happiness and wellbeing. Many frog owners just get excited about the prospect of a frog as a pet and neglect to do the proper research required beforehand to ensure that they can handle it. Sadly, many frogs are abandoned because their owners got tired of them or failed to realize what its specific needs were. Here is a simple guide to help you decide what kind of frog you would like to bring home of you are a beginner.

White's Tree Frog

White’s tree frog is a good option because of their amusing attitude and interesting personalities. They do not object to being handled therefore they can make good pets for children as well. However, they are quite stationary most of the time so the owner might lose patience and get bored.

Oriental Firebellied toad

The Oriental Firebellied toad has long been a favorite of frog lovers because it does not grow too big as an adult and is relatively easy to keep. Its diet mostly consists of crickets so it is not as potentially disgusting as that of some larger species which many find undesirable. Vitamin supplements are essential for such a diet to complete its nutritional requirements in a domestic habitat.

African Dwarf frogs

African Dwarf frogs are easy to handle obviously due to their smaller size as their name indicates. As it originates from Africa it has to be kept at a certain optimum temperature otherwise it will suffer. This is easily true for those residing in very cold climates. They are not that difficult to care for and make good pets for beginners.

Which Species Should Beginners Avoid?

There are a number of poisonous frog species kept by fog lovers who delight in their cool natures. However, these are not a good choice for first timers because obviously their venom is deadly to humans even though they may stop producing it overtime. They are also very fragile and need expert handling and care to thrive. Before brining a frog home, you must research to understand its needs and especially its adult size. Many frog owners abandon their frogs because they did not realize they would grow to be such large adults. An example is the Pixie frog whose name is misunderstood as an indication of their natural adult size seeing as they are in reality juvenile African Bullfrogs. Many large species eat mice and other small mammals so you must be aware of all its feeding and living habits before purchase.

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